Owner FAQ

At Vacation Homes of Hilton Head, we understand that selecting the right property management company for your income property is a crucial decision. We are dedicated to delivering outstanding customer service, leveraging our expert staff, and ensuring a smooth, well-informed transition into our program. To help you make an informed choice, we’ve compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we’ve encountered over the years.

Vacation Homes of Hilton Head offers competitive management fees ranging from 15-25% depending on the size of the home and projected rental income.

Vacation Homes of Hilton Head offers in-house management of cleaning services for owners and guests. Quality control is our top priority when maintaining your home, so cleaning is a primary focus. Cleaning fees range depending on number of beds and square footage. Turnover cleans include cleaning of the entire home, as well as, linens, towels, and starter amenities. Reduced cleaning fees are available for owners when the whole house is not used.

Vacation Homes of Hilton Head will maximize your visability compared to the competitors. We display your home on our award winning website, our curated collection catalog, and our mobile app. We then provide a VRBO/HomeAway listing that puts your home on all of the Expedia network (VRBO, HomeAway & all partner sites). We use Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and many more social avenues, as well.

At Vacation Homes of Hilton Head, we use a dynamic pricing tool that optimizes rates with the ultimate goal of maximizing annual revenue and occupancy for all properties on our program.

This pricing model is similar to what powers major hotel and airline companies by tracking supply and demand through historical rental data and competitors occupancy levels. Our pricing models consider special events in the area, seasonality, check-in and check-out dates, last minute arrivals, and many other data points when factoring competitive pricing that has proven to increase rental income.

All of our property owners are given an online owner login you can access 24/7. In addition to making owner bookings online, you can also see your upcoming rentals, review income and expenses, and view all receipts and invoices pertaining to your home.

In addition to making owner bookings online, you can also see your upcoming rentals, review income and expenses, and view all receipts and invoices pertaining to your home.

All rental income in processed at the end of every month. You will receive your owner statement via email and direct deposit of your funds on or before the 15th of the following month.

Vacation Homes of Hilton Head is all about being proactive and not reactive. We inspect the home prior to every arrival and after every departure. In addition, in the off-season we inspect your home every month with a detailed property inspection check-list. Lastly, we perform an inventory review twice a year in efforts to maintain all guest's necessities.

Vacation Homes of Hilton Head will handle maintance issues on a case-by-case basis and according to the structure we have set in place customized to your needs. We want to make sure owners are well-informed and guest issues are handled in a timely manner. We are not in the business of making money on property maintenance, so we have a full-time maintance staff who handles everything within their abilities, before we outsource to a vendor.

All guests are given access to 24/7 emergency assistance over the phone or text message. We handle guest issues in a timely manner and emergencies have priority, most guest issues are fully resolved the very next day.

Yes, Vacation Homes of Hilton Head would be happy to provide you with references from our homeowners upon request.